Thank you for helping your clients’ dreams come true. We share your commitment to make philanthropy as easy as possible. Please call us anytime.



Legal Name: Baptist Homes Foundation
Registered Address: 489 Castle Shannon Boulevard, Pittsburgh PA 15234
Physical Address: 500 Providence Point Boulevard, Pittsburgh PA 15243
Phone: (412) 489-3260
Fax: (412) 489-3551
Email: [email protected]
Baptist Homes Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization.
Tax ID Number: 25-1469243


Make checks payable to: Baptist Homes Foundation
Please include donor’s name with any contributions
If applicable, please state any designation for the gift:

  • Innovation Fund (non-restricted, for the greatest need)
  • Providence Scholarship Fund
  • Endowment Fund
  • Employee Appreciation Fund
  • Good Samaritan Fund
  • Community Enhancement (Capital needs)

Gifts of Stock or other Appreciated Assets

    • To contribute from a Donor Advised Fund, please use the following information.
      Baptist Homes Foundation
      500 Providence Point Boulevard
      Pittsburgh, PA 15243
      (412) 489-3260
      Checks payable to Baptist Homes Foundation.
      Please include the name of the donor and any gift designation.
    • To contribute from your IRA or gifts of appreciated stock, corporate and municipal bonds, commercial paper, medium-term notes, collateralized mortgage issues and zero-coupon bonds to Baptist Homes Foundation: Have your broker, advisor or custodian direct the transfer to—
      Morgan Stanley
      DTC Clearing # 0015
      Account number: 617-175154-362
      Account Name: Baptist Homes Foundation
    • To contribute via ACH or Electronic Wire Transfer:
      S & T Bank
      800 Philadelphia Street
      Indiana, PA 15701
      (724) 349-1800
      ABA Routing Number: 043306855
      Account Number: 3003912437
      Account Name: Baptist Homes Foundation
      489 Castle Shannon Blvd.
      Pittsburgh, PA 15234

When making a contribution using these methods, please contact the Foundation so we can monitor the progress and inform you when it is securely completed. Frequently financial professionals call to verify specifics. They should contact Dr. Z. Allen Abbott, Vice President of Philanthropy, at (412) 489-3502 or [email protected].

Baptist Homes Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Tax ID # 25-1469243. All gifts are tax deductible to the extent allowed by the Internal Revenue Service. Thank you for remembering Baptist Homes Foundation in your will.

Baptist Homes Foundation adheres to the Donor Bill of Rights and all relevant professional Codes of Ethics.